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Milk Oolong Loose Leaf Tea



Milk Oolong Loose Leaf Tea


They say that this beautiful tea came about when the moon fell in love with a comet. The comet passed her by (as comets do...). The moon cried milky tears which fell upon the tea fields, withering the tea leaves and giving them the delicate creaminess that is inherent in a Milk Oolong. The bright, velvety smooth infusion has a naturally sweet milky flavour with hints of caramel.

Delicious enjoyed without milk

An exquisite loose leaf oolong tea to enjoy as an everyday luxury or to perfect to share as a gift

Brewing Guide

This oolong is best enjoyed using freshly drawn water boiled water left to cool for 2 minutes.

Oolong tea is perfect for multiple infusions - each steep revealing hidden depths of flavour.


Taiwanese Milk Oolong loose leaf tea.